About Us

Committed to Equality in Access to Education

Vision: a world where education has no obstacles.

Mission: empower communities by unlocking their learning potential.

Goal: make the world a better place.

TYC.L Tickle Founders

Together, this ragtag group of humans has set out to help the world help itself. We are getting the ball rolling. Starting a movement, so to speak. Our number one aim is to make amazing educational experiences available to everyone who wants them. Inspired by our own experiences, and those of pioneers like Sugata Mitra, whose Hole in the Wall project showed the power of SOLE (self organized learning environments), we hope to remove all barriers to Excellence in Education.

Combining the strength of the community with our passion for equality in education is the key to making lasting change and beginning the process of educational and cultural evolution. We are ready to evolve beyond the educational approach designed to churn out cogs in the industrial revolution machine. We are poised to break down all barriers and see humanity's true potential; not just the limited potential of a select class or group of people. Equal access for all does not mean some, most, a few, or even a majority. For all. Forever.

Teddy Westside, The Architect

Born of parents from different reaches of the galaxy, Teddy brings unique perspective and his ability to design and build bridges that keep learners moving on the road to success.

Ms. Ava Lanché, The Avalanche

Ms. Lanché graduated summa cum laude from the University of Hard Knocks. Like a million tons of snow, Ava’s strength and life experience are key ingredients for success; yours, ours, everyone's!

Mr. Ticklish, The Professor

A survivor of the US public school system, he has dedicated his life to ensuring that the fine art of tickling mental tentacles is not lost to the annals of history. And education. But mostly the tickling history stuff.

Mohamad Ali, The Pugilist

From the far reaches of an ancient land called Lebanon, Mohamad brings both herculean strength and a level of poise under pressure that is unrivaled. His greatest strength is undoubtedly his ginormous heart.

Dr. Q., The Bengali Tiger

Having extricated himself from the jungles of Bangladesh, FQ set his eyes on bigger prey. Following his big cat instincts, he trekked to a far off land called, America, and earned a PhD in catnip cultivation!

Miss Hannah B. Anana, The Rental Car

Ms. Anana brings her commitment to others, and her quirky views on loving all humans, to this oddly shaped table. She is ready and willing to treat herself like a rental car if it means brightening a day, or helping someone in need.

Mr. E., The Nigerian Nightmare

Mr. E. left his homeland to find a cure for his leukemia and bring his nightmarish ways to our sunny shores. The change in environment left Mr. E. unable to conjure nightmares on command. So, he quit that racket and opted to make dreams come true instead.

Miss C. Namin, Lord Cinabon

Ms. Namin can trace her lineage to the fabled land of Cinnamona; the world's leader in cinnamon production. Her experience as a highly educated, second generation snail, and the slime she produces, holds us together; and someday the world, together as well.