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Feeling let down by traditional approaches to learning?

Looking for something more engaging and student centered?

Do you have questions about achieving educational success?

We can help! We are an educational services non-profit offering low-cost and no-cost support to families in need.


Under Contruction...please pardon the appearance

Access to facilitators in all areas of learning:

  • Elementary, Intermediate, High School, College, GED, and Graduate Programs

Cultural Bridge Builders

We have resources that can help you find a balance between embracing more than one culture in society.

Physical Health/Fitness

You have one body to live in, it will thank you for taking care of yourself:

  • Nutrition, Diet, Balanced Routine, and Exercise

Contact us with questions about fitness, tips, advice, and routines.


Work with a company dedicated to making a difference in the world. Gain experience and make connections that can help open doors to new opportunities.